Tatym Sun

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Words are the thread that connect us. Through words we are able to share our laughter, fears, dreams and hopes, and understand the hearts and minds of others. Having spent the last 20 years writing and savoring the excellent work of others it's no secret that I love words. Starting a small educational healthcare website in 2013 found my writing reaching a wide audience. I found that by leveraging my past experience in graphic design, marketing and as a specialist in ultrasound, I could create authentic work on healthcare, interpersonal relationships, motivation, self development, gratitude, kindness and a variety of other topics. It is my passion and pleasure to hone my skill in writing and expression with unceasing effort. I continually strive to understand, to create and to learn more about the craft, the art and the process of excellent writing. I am also a multi-decade practitioner of yoga, a gardener, lover of weight lifting, trail running and travel. I enjoy exploring the spiritual path and self development in all its many and varied forms.

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