Ultrasound Technology & Innovation

FAQ: Holistic Healthcare: Bridging Technology and Patient Care

Holistic healthcare involves caring for the whole patient. Advances in technology around women's health open new avenues for optimizing care.

Holistic healthcare focuses on caring for the patient as a whole instead of focusing on singular aspects of health. It also includes using less invasive methods where possible. Advancements in technology have aided in this process, giving patients more access and options in healthcare. This FAQ centers around how technology can enhance patient care, making it more efficient, less painful and less expensive.

  1. Many of my patients are using FemTech. Should I recommend this or caution against it? FemTech focuses on the needs of women and encompasses a broad swath of products, from phone apps to period underwear. These products may be helpful in that they generally focus on a single aspect of health, but this singularity can also be a drawback. OB/GYNs might consider finding out which products their patients are using and help them understand how to integrate and cross-reference the information they are collecting to track their health trends overall.
  2.  Where can I learn more about offering safe and efficient patient data solutions in my practice? Telehealth, email communications, electronic portals for lab results and digital apps create convenient, cost-effective options for patients to receive healthcare and retrieve results. However, these modes of communication can be wrought with the risk of data breaches. Learn more about how to navigate safely while providing patients with the benefits of digital-age healthcare.
  3.  Is there a best method to differentiate between normal menopause symptoms and something more serious like cancer? Bleeding after menopause is worrisome because it can signal serious disease in the patient, but there are myriad causes for this symptom. Ultrasound can be used to identify other causes and rule out more concerning disease processes — some of which can be linked to hormone replacement therapy.
  4.  Is robotic-assisted surgery for endometriosis replacing traditional laparoscopic surgery? Robotic-assisted surgery has many benefits for both the patient and the surgeon. However, this type of surgery has some drawbacks and may not be appropriate for all patients presenting with endometriosis. Evaluating patients for robotic surgery for endometriosis requires a careful ultrasound examination to determine the best surgical approach.
  5.  How do IVF treatment and access in the U.S. compare to other countries? In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment and access are largely determined by where one lives in the world. Patients in the U.S. and Canada pay the most for IVF, whereas patients in Denmark and Australia may pay little to nothing. New approaches to IVF may present more economical means for patients who find pricing to be a limiting factor.
  6.  Is there a way to reduce a patient's pain level during oocyte retrieval? Although safe oocyte retrieval has been aided by transvaginal ultrasound for several decades, it remains a painful part of the IVF process. Newer technology such as 3D ultrasound and thinner needles can help reduce a patient's pain during the procedure with less bleeding.

Caring for patients and providing holistic healthcare can include a range of options for both the patient and provider. Apps can reveal trends in overall health, and ultrasound technology can reveal hidden causes for these trends if used appropriately.