
Symptoms such as pelvic pain, post-menopausal bleeding, genitourinary dysfunction and infertility, can be confusing and concerning for your patients. They need answers and rely on your expertise for accurate diagnosis, intervention and management. Ultrasound is often the first line of defense in diagnosing gynecological conditions. Voluson™ ultrasound systems deliver exceptional imaging, advanced analysis tools and easy 3D technologies that can provide clinical insights to aid in detection and diagnosis.

Finding Answers

When patients present with pelvic pain or dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, adenomyosis or fibroids can be the cause. The ability to easily and rapidly interrogate the uterus and visualize it in any plane using 3D can provide additional information for a more confident diagnosis. In these cases acquiring the coronal plane is particularly helpful. It can also aid in IUCD (Intrauterine Contraceptive Device) localization to determine proper positioning or help to understand the cause of infertility by identifying congenital abnormalities, fibroids or polyps.

A uterine polyp is clearly demonstrated with Advanced VCI (Volume Contrast Imaging) which enhances subtle soft-tissue differences.

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Simplifying Diagnosis

Technologies that efficiently guide you through ovarian assessment can add the information needed for confident diagnoses. Integrated protocols and dedicated reports such as IOTA (International Ovarian Tumor Analysis) and IDEA (International Deep Endometriosis Analysis) evaluate risk for ovarian masses and endometriosis. When assessing the ovaries for infertility the ability to easily capture a 3D volume is essential. SonoAVC™ antral (Sonography-based Automated Volume Count) efficiently counts and categorize follicles and can add important information on ovarian reserve.

Typical ground glass appearance of an endometrioma. Tools such as IDEA help to evaluate risk and assign classification of endometriosis.

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Not Just Uterus and Ovaries

Whether questioning pathology associated with endometriosis, pelvic pain or infertility you are not just limited to just the uterus and ovaries. Understanding complex pathologies and anatomical variants require thorough assessment of the adnexa and spaces adjacent to bladder and rectum, particularly when diagnosing endometriosis. Excellent color Doppler sensitivity is required to understand vascularity of masses, and combined with 3D can enable easier differentiation of hydrosalpinx. Searching for the source of infertility? 3D sonohysterography can help provide information on tubal patency.

With Wide-sector, on the endocavity probe see more anatomical information with the 185° field of view (FOV). BetaView steers the scan plane via crystal movement rather than physical probe manipulation for greater patient comfort.

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A New Standard of Care

Ultrasound provides real-time diagnostic information which is invaluable in evaluating women with pelvic floor disorders. Pelvic floor ultrasound enables visualization of the pelvic muscles and related anatomy while assessing functionality. It is commonly used to evaluate women with vaginal mesh complications, urinary or fecal incontinence, urinary or sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse and pain. Efficiently measuring changes to assess functionality is invaluable and the Pelvic Floor Auto-sequencing feature guides you through all of the measurements recommended by the IUGA guidelines.

Activate the Pelvic Floor Auto-sequencing measurements through the touchscreen and the system does the rest, efficiently guiding you through the measurements recommended by the IUGA guidelines.

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